Renewable energy and energy efficiency are two pillars of the German energy system transition. Accordingly, the latter is a central aspect of government policy in Germany. Consistent energy management systems are critical for companies aiming to achieve lasting and sustainable energy savings. According to the EU Energy Efficiency Directive and the German Energy Services Act, large companies must conduct regular energy audits in compliance with DIN EN 16247-1. The implementation of a certified environmental or energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001 may fulfil this requirement.
adelphi had already been tasked with developing the Guidelines for Companies and Organisations for the first version of the standard for energy management systems (DIN EN ISO 50001:2011). The manual was published in German, English and Chinese. The guidelines aimed to provide practical assistance to companies and organisations intending to obtain a certification.
As part of a general revision of ISO 50001 and the obligation for follow-up audits in 2019, adelphi and the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences jointly revised the guidelines. The guidance is primarily targeted at companies aiming to introduce a certified energy management system rather than conducting a follow-up energy audit. Accordingly, the document will guide the reader chronologically through the energy audit, the energy management systems, the implementation of measures, and the certification of the management system. It then outlines additional requirements for introducing the environmental management system of the European Union (EMAS).