United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
Over the past few years, the United Nations has compiled its experiences and best practices as regards the development of national sustainability strategies in the form of methodical guidelines, making these available to national governments as an orientation aid. However, experience has shown that post-conflict countries are faced with particular challenges when developing strategies of this kind.
These countries are often deeply divided by the after-effects of violent conflicts; their infrastructure is often destroyed or neglected and state capacities are either non-existent or underdeveloped. But it is in precisely these countries that national sustainability strategies can push forward significant developments, either as extensive management processes which enable a transition from conflict management and rebuilding to development planning or as an instrument to help establish peace and build bridges in divided societies through cooperation and participation, as well as attempting to remove the causes of conflicts.
adelphi was therefore commissioned by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) to develop the relevant guidelines to improve the situation in post-conflict states.