The European Union has set itself the goal to take into stronger account, in their policies and programs, the security challenges of climate change. Appropriate concrete recommendations for action should thus be developed for the next cycle of the Directorate General for Development Cooperation. These activities are part of the European Union process "Roadmap on Climate Change and International Security", which began in January 2009.
In spring 2009 the EU initiated formal consultations with selected regional organisations (ASEAN, UN, OSCE, NATO) and requested a series of regional studies (Southeast Asia, the Pacific island countries, Southwest Asia including the Arabian Peninsula, and Central America) on the expected security implications of climate change. The results of these studies will later be fed into the European foreign-, security- and development policies.
adelphi was commissioned by the European Commission with the consultation preparation and implementation as well as with four regional studies, which include expert interviews and regional workshops. Proposals for the strategic development of the European "roadmap" process will be formulated, based on the results of the consultations and regional studies.