Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Through the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI), more than 20 states worldwide have made commitments to develop and diffuse climate-friendly and environmentally sound technologies. As part of the German contribution, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) has regularly conducted international workshops on climate change mitigation since 1999. Last year, the event focused on the Paris Agreement's provisions for market-based instruments.
In 2017, the workshop dealt with market-based climate change mitigation in the civil aviation sector. This focus had been chosen in light of the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) decision, taken in October 2016, to introduce the "Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation" (CORSIA). CORSIA is a global market-based measure through which ICAO aims to achieve carbon neutral growth in the civil aviation sector by 2020.
In order to promote conceptual understanding of market-based climate change mitigation in the civil aviation sector and to facilitate the transfer of practical knowledge, climate experts and sector specialists joined the presentations and in-depth discussions of CORSIA. Furthermore, participants were offered the opportunity to exchange experiences and to strengthen their networks.
Due to its expertise gained in organising CTI workshops in recent years, adelphi designed, planned and implemented this year’s 17th CTI Workshop. adelphi was moreover responsible for developing, publishing, and distributing the CTI Newsletter. A resourceful communication platform, which has been administered by adelphi since 2013, provided information on relevant projects, publications and events in the field of carbon market instruments and climate change mitigation in the civil aviation sector.