European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
The European Commission is looking to promote the ongoing development of Corporate Social Responsibility. To that end, it has established a CSR High-Level Group (HLG) comprising representatives of the Member States. adelphi supported the work of this group for one year as the lead member of a consortium of experts, and in that role conducted studies on various aspects of CSR. This included drawing up a CSR Compendium of current CSR activities and policy initiatives in the EU Member States. The Compendium is focused on the topics of: CSR reporting, CSR in the supply chain, sustainable investment, CSR and education, CSR and climate change, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable public-sector procurement. The Compendium also features a comparison of the CSR action plans of the EU Member States. The topics of CSR reporting and CSR in the supply chain are additionally addressed in more detailed studies. Together with its partners, adelphi has also compiled a cost-benefit analysis in relation to sustainable public-sector procurement. Additionally, in conjunction with the European Commission adelphi was responsible for preparing and planning the half-yearly meetings of the HLG.