University of Stuttgart, Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER)
Greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 in Germany and the EU, as well as the associated intensification of medium-term decarbonisation efforts, is linked to a comprehensive transformation of energy systems. To revive and shape the stalled energy transition, decision-makers need an evidence-based, scientific foundation. It is essential to bring together detailed knowledge on specific sectors (transport, heat, buildings, industry) with a cross-sectoral perspective. With an integrated approach that combines long-term technology options with governance issues, different policy paths for a successful energy transition can be defined, discussed with stakeholders, and introduced into the policy process.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), a consortium of 26 research and consultancy organisations is working on the Ariadne project to develop a common thread to orient and re-orient the energy transition. The project aims to develop policy options (Green Paper process) and subsequently evaluate them (White Paper process) in order to provide concrete recommendations for action. To this end, the project uses a broad methodological approach that includes energy transition scenarios, thematic focus analyses, a broad dialogue with decision-makers and citizens, and innovative communication formats.
adelphi is responsible for designing and implementing stakeholder participation processes for the sectors industry and heating. In a continuous exchange with representatives from politics, private sector, science and civil society, the research design and results will be discussed, reviewed and further developed throughout the entire project duration. With interactive formats and participative methodologies, adelphi builds a bridge between research and diverse practitioners' perspectives.