In recent years, numerous concrete climate adaptation measures have been implemented under the German Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change (DAS). The DAS 2015 progress report recommends stronger use of technical regulations and standards for climate change adaptation as a further step. In addition to standards articulated by the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN), standards from other regulatory institutions in Germany should also be considered. This includes standards articulated by the VDI rules and the DWA regulations.
Against this backdrop, this project aimed at generating science-based ideas for the adaptation of existing standards and technical regulations in Germany. A comprehensive analysis identified those norms that include aspects on the consequences of climate change or adaptation to climate change. Moreover, the project aimed at deducing norms that would benefit from the integration of these aspects. Additionally, the project selected five standards and developed detailed proposals on how they could be updated. Thematically, the project focused predominantly on urban drainage systems, as well as building and construction technologies.
adelphi implemented this project jointly with the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, and the engineering company Prof. Dr. Sieker und Trioss. The analysis was conducted using a range of methods, including interviews, literature- and data-based analyses, and case studies. adelphi was responsible for coordinating the project. The project partners contributed specific expertise on the respective thematic areas. They further supported the analyses and provided assistance to the technical proposals for the revision of existing standards. adelphi discussed the generated findings on the adaptation needs of norms and concrete revision proposals with practitioners, as well as actors from standardisation bodies and politics.