On 20 March 2012, KfW Development Bank will host the conference “Water Scarcity and Urbanization in China – Challenges and Possible Solutions” in Peking. adelphi is tasked with the logistical and organisational management of the conference and provides an experienced and professional facilitator.
Especially in the fast growing urban centers, high economic growth and increasing urbanization lead to challenges for water supply and quality. In addition, China’s enterprises use up to ten times more water in their production process than comparable industries in developed countries. Innovative approaches for an effective water management therefore become more and more important to provide industry and inhabitants with sufficient water.
More than 100 decision makers, representatives of international financing institutions and German development cooperation as well as Chinese and German water experts and researcher will participate in the conference. The event provides them with a platform to discuss the opportunities of and potential approaches for a sustainable urban water supply in China. The sessions will focus on management and technology concepts for water supply, water reuse as well as industrial water cycles.