World Wildlife Day: Financing Solutions for Central Asia's Endangered Mammals
Comment by Anne Neumann, Christiane Röttger, Dr. Johannes Stahl
News publ. 30. Apr 2012
Hydropower and the management of water resources should be beneficial for both people and the environment. adelphi will develop recommendations for the Mekong River Commission to solve the issue.
The neighbouring countries of the Lower Mekong River Basin are seeking to exploit the enormous potential that hydropower promises for further development and economic growth in the region. Hydropower has always played an important role in the basin along the river that stretches over 4900 kilometesr. However, the MRC also acknowledges the potential negative impacts of dams on connected eco systens which will also effect people's livelihoods. Regional cooperative mechanisms could help to reconcile the expansive development of hydropower with wider water and environmental matters.
adelphi has thus been contracted by the GIZ and the MRC Initiative for Sustainable Hydropower to provide recommendations on sustainable hydropower development and management. The Think Tank will incorporate previous experiences from different river basin organisations that have established regional/ transboundary mechanisms for managing hydropower schemes. Also, adelphi's consultants will analyse different approaches through a set of case studies, to help achieve benefits for all riparians while reducing or avoiding potential negative impacts.