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News publ. 02. Dec 2016
With its slogan “For a strong European circular economy”, the EU Commission is honouring EMAS organisations for their achievements increasing efficiency and resource-friendliness. The call for applications closes on 20 January 2017.
The EU Commission is dedicating the renowned award bestowed upon EMAS environmental management systems to the current topic of the circular economy. Measures and initiatives that have meaningfully contributed to creating a stronger circular economy are to be honoured. The concept involves preserving the value of products, materials, and resources within the economy for as long as possible, while producing as little waste as possible. Businesses and organisations participating in EMAS pursue an integrated approach for resource efficient product development, production, and services encompassing to the greatest extent possible the various life-cycle stages from resource extraction to waste recovery. With their participation in the EMAS Awards 2017, EMAS organisations demonstrate their contribution and solutions for a sustainable, de-carbonised, resource efficient, and competitive economy.
Additional points can be earned in the assessment of the applications when the applicants establish which processes in their EMAS environmental management system have contributed to implementing the measures or initiatives.
The application process is open to all businesses and organisations with a valid EMAS registration. EMAS Awards 2015 winners are not eligible for participation.
The EMAS Awards ceremony will take place in Malta on 8 May 2017. All applicants for the German pre-selection process will be given certificates from the Federal Environment Ministry at an event to be held in Berlin at the end of 2017.
The DIHK will be accepting the German applications and is coordinating the selection process. The German nominees will be chosen by a jury consisting of experts from the Federal Environment Ministry, the Federal Environment Agency, the Deutsche Akkreditierungs- und Zulassungsstelle für Umweltgutachter mbH (DAU), the Environmental Auditors’ Board and the DIHK.
The call for applications closes Friday, 20 January 2017.
Application materials and all further information (DIHK)
Point of contact for questions on the application procedure:
Martina Stirnberg (DIHK e. V.)
Tel.: 030/20308-2205
E-Mail: stirnberg.martina [at]
The EMAS Awards are the most prestigious awards in the environmental management sector. Since 2005, the EU Commission has been honouring EMAS organisations for special achievements in environmental protection and climate action. The focus of each edition of the European environmental prize is on a specific EMAS environmental topic. The EMAS Award is announced every two years.
Information site and application for the German nomination round (
Information site on the European EMAS Award (
Winners of the EMAS Awards 2015 (