Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
In cooperation with
Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Cités" (PNEC)
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES)
Energy Cities
Environ Association
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCiências.ID)
National Trust EcoFund (NTEF)
OER (Energy Cities Romania)
UfU - Independent Institute fore Environmental Issues
Official Project Title
Full project title
Bridging European and Local Climate Action (BEACON)
Climate protection is the order of the day at all levels. We have empowered local administrations and young people in climate protection and helped them build solid governance structures. Climate projects were developed and momentum created to advance ambitious climate protection in Eastern and Southern European countries. The “Bridging European and Local Climate Action – BEACON” project facilitated Europe-wide climate protection dialogue and built bridges.
34 small and medium-sized municipalities from Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Germany, Greece and Portugal, as well as schools and national governments, came together to implement the Paris climate protection goals. They were able to advance existing climate projects and develop new ideas.
85% of the national and regional representatives and experts agree that the BEACON project was helpful in finding common solutions for the local and national level and promoting climate protection.
The BEACON project not only achieved progress in climate protection towns and cities; it also helped consolidate structures and achieve successes across municipalities, states and national levels. A main goal of the project was also to promote national and international climate protection action and dialogue.
Link Headline
Project website “Bridging European and Local Climate Action – BEACON”
Municipalities are key players in climate protection: on the one hand, they are affected by climate change; on the other, they are closest to the citizens. It is possible to reach them in their immediate reality: whether in renewable energy production, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility or urban planning, municipalities are responsible for a large number of fields of action.
What has been achieved?
The project empowered local authorities in their role as mediators and role models for climate protection. More than 270 local representatives took part in the activities and received support. At the same time, the project made local climate protection interests more visible at national and European level.
Media Gallery
Why the focus on schools?
The effects of today's emissions will only become visible in the future and the younger generation will be much more affected by the ambitions of today's climate protection efforts than the current decision-makers. At the same time, schools, as places of learning, are the ideal starting point for innovative, exemplary action in climate protection.
90 % of the school representatives reported that a working group had been set up at their school to deal with climate protection and energy efficiency.
What has been achieved?
The project team used the school as a mediation body and instrument to offer schoolchildren the opportunity to make themselves heard. In addition, cross-school incentive mechanisms were developed to promote energy efficiency in building use. Additional training for teachers and exchanges on climate protection were organised, and teaching material was created and shared. Over 6,320 schoolchildren benefited from the initiatives by the end of the project.
Why include the national level?
Climate change is a global problem and is often fought from a “top-down” perspective: international climate targets are translated into European and federal law, while the national level sets the pace for the local level. However, this translation can lead to communication problems. For this reason, BEACON brought national decision-makers into discussion with the local administrations. In workshops, participants discussed municipal challenges and achievements and clarified the logic behind action at the federal level. The aim was to create suitable framework conditions for the implementation of the European climate goals.
What has been achieved?
The project team brought national decision-makers into discussion with the local administrations. Workshops made it possible to discuss municipal challenges and achievements and clarify the logic behind federal action. The aim was to create framework conditions for the implementation of European climate goals.
"In the last three years there has been a noticeable change of heart in Europe: climate change has penetrated the public consciousness. With BEACON, we have helped municipal administrations plan and implement strategic, effective local climate protection. Together we have given expression to the face of communal climate protection in Europe and are now looking decisively ahead."