Empirische Befunde und Implikationen für Unternehmen und Politik
Autoren (Text)
Fjornes, Jan; Johanna Hansjürgens, Maike Keil, Joanna-Karolina Kirchhoff, Julia Offermann, Anna Rohowsky, Rebecca Weinberger, Freya Astrup, Katring Arning, Martina Ziefle, Alina Ulmer and Jutta Knopf
The ENRI research project, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), set out to explore how companies decide to use their financial profits. A major focus was understanding how direct and indirect rebound effects occur and can be avoided when it comes to sustainable reinvestments.
To achieve this, the project used insights from psychology, business, and communication studies to examine whether companies invest sustainably and, if so, what patterns they follow. The research involved a mix of methods, including interviews, focus groups, case studies, and a survey of companies. A unique aspect of the project was comparing traditional companies with leading climate-conscious companies, known as "climate champions." This comparison helped identify how these climate champions approach sustainable reinvestments and manage rebound effects differently from other companies, offering valuable lessons.
This report outlines the main findings from the project’s studies and offers practical recommendations for both policymakers and businesses.